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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 61 - 66 of 66 Results
  • UC CalFresh Fresno Helps Transform Challenge into Change

    Jan 11, 2018 Poverty combined with high unemployment rates can be a recipe for disaster. Entire families become engulfed in crisis. Rescue the Children (Rescue) is a ministry of the Fresno Rescue Mission. The Mission is a nonprofit that changes lives lost to drug or alcohol addiction. The Mission assists homeless families and women who have been released from prison. Rescue provides an in-house rehabilitation and transition program.
  • UC CalFresh State Office Profile

    2023 University of California CalFresh Nutrition Education Program.

    A 4-page informational brochure outlining the UC CalFresh program, which is one of California's 5 SNAP-Ed Implementing Agencies.

  • VeggieBook

    2018 University of Southern California

    VeggieBook is a social marketing and direct education intervention app that is designed to help users choose customized recipes and healthy eating tips which ultimately lead to increased vegetable-based preparation for meals at home.