Inspiring Healthy Communities, the newest report in the series highlights the collective impact and comprehensive approach of the Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) projects in Los Angeles County. These projects strategically connect schools with their larger communities and leverage genuine youth and adult partnerships in supporting youth voice for healthy community change, in communities that need it the most.
Assessment conducted over a five-month period from May to September 2015
-Literature review of 13 studies on youth engagement quality and the YPAR model
-Review of 61 internal documents, such as project plans and recruitment plans
-Review of websites and associated documents
-Key informant interviews with 10 adult allies, two from each of the funded organizations, and one staff person from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
-Five focus groups with 36 youth a associated with each of the funded organizations
-Organizational capacity assessment survey from 26 project staff
-Post retrospective surveys from 36 youth
-Adult ally feedback survey from 36 youth