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SNAP-Ed Literature Review Database

About the Literature Review Database

The SNAP-Ed Toolkit Team conducted a review of the peer-reviewed literature on outcome evaluation results from SNAP-Ed funded projects.  Scopus was used to identify an initial list of references for review.

On April 20, 2022, two search terms were used in Scopus:

  1. SNAP-Ed;
  2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education.

Additionally, the "All Fields" option was selected; inclusion criteria included published on or after 2016 and published in English.

Following the, Covidence, an online tool for screening and extracting data from a systematic review process, was used to

  1. Screen titles and abstracts;
  2. Review full text;
  3. Extract data for the searchable database of references.

The searchable database includes categories, such as target behavior, setting, and outcome level, to enable a more focused list of published papers for review.  Each paper included in the online database includes an Abstract and DOI link.  If the published paper includes an intervention in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit, a link to the intervention is also provided.

The literature review database has been updated as of August 2, 2023.