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At the Stop to Good Health.

| New York

stop sign logo

Parents and caregivers were encouraged to model healthy behaviors by the messages on

  • bus kongs (side of bus, also known as "bus wraps")
  • bus shelters
  • transit station dioramas

The media was installed in the lowest-income zip codes of Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. The messages focused on “They learn from watching you, eat more fruits and vegetables/be active/drink water and they will, too.”

SNAP-Ed nutrition educators reinforced the messages during At the Stop workshops for low-income families in these neighborhoods. The educators focused on “eating healthy on the go”.

The messages and At the Stop to Good Health logo have been incorporated into area Healthy Corner Stores. The program is also in the process of being expanded to more rural areas of Western New York using locally-appropriate media. The bus kongs and shelters were funded by SNAP-Ed, and dioramas were provided in-kind by Lamar Advertising.

Type of Program

Social marketing campaign

Number of Participants

45,742 individuals live below the poverty level in the targeted neighborhoods. There were an estimated 79,641,369 impressions (views).

Years of Implementation

2016 and 2017

Target Audience

Low-income parents and caregivers.

Program Evaluation

The program is currently being evaluated by Buffalo State College.

This post was submitted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County, a SNAP-Ed Implementing Agency. For more information, please contact Becky O’Connor or (716) 822-2288.

Resource Type