Alliance for a Healthier Generation
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Healthier Generation)
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Healthier Generation)
The CHOICE intervention provides tools to assess and develop nutrition and physical activity policies in child care settings.
Color Me Healthy (CMH) is a direct education intervention designed to improve fruit and vegetable intake and increase physical activity (PA) among 4 and 5 year old children in child care and preschool settings by increased exposure to nutrition education and opportunities for PA. CMH includ
The Connecticut Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI) is a PSE Change intervention designed to promote practices in maternity facilities that support the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding.
Cooking Matters for WIC Clinics (CM for WIC) is a direct education intervention designed to enhance the WIC client experience and to improve maternal and child diets and health through improved knowledge and self-efficacy for healthy eating on a budget, increased WIC voucher redemption (par
Cooking with Kids BIG little Project is a school-based food nutrition education curriculum program designed to educate and empower children and families to make healthy food choices through hands-
The Culture of Wellness in Preschools, Policy, System and Environment Change Process (COWP PSE Change Process) is a PSE change intervention designed to implement an average of five changes that promote healthy eating and physical activity in early childcare centers.
Eat Smart in Parks (ESIP) is a PSE change and social marketing intervention designed to promote healthier eating in Missouri's state and local parks.