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The Behavior Outcome Measurement Toolkit will help SNAP-Ed agencies make decisions about data collection on individual-level behavior outcomes identified in the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework from their direct education interventions. The toolkit integrates suggestions on how to apply an equity approach to behavior outcome measurements. Indicators and outcome measures allow agencies to track progress towards State goals and objectives.
The SNAP-Ed Needs Assessment Toolkit aims to help SNAP State agencies meet program requirements and enhance their existing needs assessment capabilities. The toolkit offers suggestions to increase the diversity of voices involved throughout the needs assessment process and strategies to link needs assessment findings to State goals and SNAP-Ed programming.
The Policy Systems and Environmental Change Initiative Data Toolkit is intended to help SNAP-Ed agencies make data-informed decisions in planning PSE initiatives, meet program reporting requirements, and communicate the results of PSE work to interested parties. The toolkit includes suggestions for incorporating input from various potential collaborators, including community members and partners.