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SNAP-Ed in Nevada Helps Medical and Dental Offices Teach About Sugary Drinks

| Nevada

The goal of Rethink Your Drink Nevada (RYD) is to promote healthy drinks among young children.  Part of the program involves supporting medical and dental care professionals. They get free materials to use with young patients and their parents. 

Nearly two out of three children in the U.S. consume a sugary drink, like sodas or sports drinks, each day. This increases their risk for unhealthy weight, tooth decay, and other health problems. It is important for children and their parents to get information about healthy drink choices from medical and dental care professionals.

images of soda cans, energy drinks, and coffee drink

The University of Nevada, Reno RYD developed a Toolkit for professionals to use while teaching patients about drink choices. The free Toolkit includes tear sheets and posters in English and Spanish. There are stickers for children. It also has drink models showing the amount of sugar in common drinks.  In 2020, over 200 offices were sent a Toolkit.  This included over 600 professionals.

3 stickers: green background Super Fruit! with a lemon wearing a cape; blue background with a cartoon cow holding a glass of milk mooooove over sugary drinks; an orange background I don't need sugary drinks. I'm sweet enough already!

Survey results show that use of the Toolkit leads to more patient education on sugary drinks. In addition, 65% of SNAP households who returned a survey said that a medical or dental care professional had talked with them or their child about sugary drinks. 

We will continue to invite newly eligible medical and dental offices to use the RYD Toolkit. All other users of the Toolkit will be sent new materials three times per year. In 2021, professionals will be asked to give feedback on the Toolkit items and ideas for new materials.

ST7: Organizational Partnerships
MT5: Nutrition Supports

For more information:
Jamie Benedict, Ph.D., R.D.N., L.D.
Chair, Department of Nutrition
University of Nevada, Reno
1664 N. Virginia St., Mailstop 0202
Reno, NV  89557
(775) 784-6445

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