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A Fresh Start to a Healthier You! 

| Texas

A Fresh Start to a Healthier You! is a holistically designed adult-learning series. The series uses practical experience and information to help change lives and improve health. Lessons are research-based and teach people the importance of

  • adding healthy foods to the daily routine
  • increasing fruit and vegetable intake
  • increasing physical activity
  • using food safety practices
  • using food resource management skills

Participants gain support and understanding from the instructor and other participants. They also learn how to provide safe, healthy, and economical meals for their families and themselves. All materials are available in both English and Spanish.

Program Success

In 2016, 7,854 adults completing the surveys reported:

  • More people eat fruit 2 times per day (pre: 23%, post: 38%, 30-day follow up: 50%)
  • More people eat vegetables 3 times per day (pre: 8%, post: 16%, 30-day follow up: 32%)
  • More people use a shopping list most or all of the time (pre: 49%, post: 70%, 30-day follow up: 82%)
  • More people plan meals in advance most or all of the time (pre: 37%, post: 59%, 30-day follow up: 74%)

Type of Program

Direct nutrition education

Years of Implementation

2016 - present

Number of Participants

In 2016, over 8,000 adults completed 3 sessions of the series.

Since 1994, the Better Living for Texans program has offered research-based educational series and single educational programs. The emphasis of the series and educational programs is on increasing fruit and vegetable intake, adopting regular physical activity, and gardening. In 2016, over 1-million educational contacts were made.

Target Audience

Adults eligible for SNAP

Program Evaluation

This program is evaluated by pre and post surveys and a 30-day follow-up survey. The surveys ask questions about behavior changes related to the series.

This post was submitted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’ Better Living for Texans, an implementing agency of SNAP-Ed. For more information, please contact Renda Nelson or 979.845.6813.

Resource Type