is a USDA-approved recipe and healthy living website available in English, Spanish, and Chinese. It features 400+ culturally-competent, low cost recipes; food discovery pages; healthy messaging pages; Ask a Dietitian; and county resources.
Type of Program
Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) intervention
Years of Program Implementation
Number of Participants
There have been 65,464 unique visitors since launch on 9/30/2013. Eighty percent (53,894) of those visitors are from California.
Target Audience
CalFresh eligible and enrolled individuals and families
Program Evaluation
An impact evaluation on knowledge, attitude, and behavior (KAB) change was conducted from 11/2013-10/2014. No dose-response relationship was found but it did show significant differences in KAB between users and nonusers.
Statistics and Program Impact
71% of users who are enrolled in CalFresh or another means-tested program have not attended in-person nutrition education classes. This suggests that is reaching people who would not have access to SNAP-Ed programming otherwise. has been integrated into county offices, community-based organizations, food banks, and other agencies across California as a way to support clients in making healthy choices outside of in-person programming.
This article was written and submitted by Leah's Pantry & San Francisco County Human Services Agency. For further information please contact Jessica Silldorff, Sr. Program Coordinator -, Leah's Pantry. All logos are used with permission.