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2023 CalFresh Healthy Living Forum Success Stories Video

| California

The California’s CalFresh Healthy Living success story videos showcase SNAP-Ed participants sharing their experiences with SNAP-Ed programming. 

The 2023 CalFresh Healthy Living Forum Success Stories Video features:

1. The Copley-Price YMCA’s Kinship Family Garden Project worked with a County of San Diego horticultural therapist to design a garden space where community gardeners not only learned to plant from seeds but also discovered what each plant needed to thrive. Monthly nutrition education classes allowed participants to try new recipes incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables and to make healthy changes.

2. Through the Healthy Cities, Healthy Residents initiative, residents were introduced to the Residential Leadership Academy, which gave them the advocacy skills, tools, and resources to identify and resolve community needs by working with city officials to adopt new policies and implement environmental changes.

3. CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Imperial’s Our Voice project engaged senior citizens and high school students through Youth-led Participatory Action Research and used the Our Voice Discovery Tool app to assess walkability in their community and promote opportunities to increase physical activity rates.

4. Catholic Charities of California San Joaquin serves clients wholistically and seeks authentic community engagement and involvement. The Cooking Matters program provides a variety of resources to improve community access to healthy food. Participants learn how to stretch their dollars, prepare healthier meals, and increase their physical activity. In the garden, participants are involved in the planning process, from providing input on projects to agreeing on a distribution of responsibilities while caring for the garden.

You may access the entire Success Stories Playlist on YouTube by clicking CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories Playlist.

To access other Success Stories by year, please click on the links below.

2022 CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories - Part 1

2022 CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories - Part 2

2021 CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories - Part 1

2021 CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories - Part 2

2020 CalFresh Healthy Living Success Stories

Lourdes Robles, MPH (she/her)

CalFresh Nutrition Education | CA Department of Social Services | 916-210-9449

744 P Street, MS 8-9-32 | Sacramento, CA 95814

Cal Fresh Healthy Living

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