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SNAP-Ed Library


Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Library, the place for locating SNAP-Ed tools, success stories, and resources! Enter a search term below or use the filters to the left to find what you’re looking for.

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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 Results
  • 4th Grade Vegetable Core

    Feb 02, 2018 Developed to address low vegetable intake levels seen in statewide needs assessment data, the Fourth Grade Vegetable Core intervention includes four lessons with food-tastings, activities, and messaging focused on improving mediators of behavior change (attitude, self-efficacy, preference, and knowledge).
  • Eat Together PA

    2012 Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Network.

    The Eat Together PA campaign is helping Pennsylvanians to come back to the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks too! The campaign utilizes various media: billboards, bus shelters, leaflets cards, posters, and web sites for adults, kids, and teens.

  • Heart Smarts

    May 13, 2016 Three years ago, Troy used to go his local corner store to grab a soda and a bag of chips. Today, when he visits that same corner store in North Philadelphia he chooses an orange and a bottle of water.
  • One Healthy Breakfast Program

    2018 The Food Trust

    The One Healthy Breakfast Program (OHBP) is a direct education, social marketing, and PSE change intervention designed to improve home, community, and school food environments to ensure that every student starts their day with a healthy breakfast.

  • Senior Center Needs Assessment Toolkit

    2020 University of Pennsylvania, Netter Center for Community Partnerships, Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative

    The Senior Center Needs Assessment Toolkit is a policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change intervention designed to allow SNAP-Ed partners and senior centers to assess the readiness of a senior center to make changes to nutrition and physical activity (PA) programming and assist senior

  • SNAP-Ed FY 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Through the Land-Grand University System: A Retrospective Review of Land-Grant University SNAP-Ed Programs and Impacts

    2020 Cooperative Extension Service Directors/Administrators through the National Land-Grant University SNAP-Ed Assessment

    Report documenting the scope and impacts of SNAP-Ed conducted by LGUs (Land-Grant Universities). This document reports the results of a detailed survey administered to the LGUs engaged in SNAP-Ed.

  • Vetri Community Partnership: Eatiquette 360

    Oct 15, 2018 Eatiquette 360 educates students and supports healthy lifestyles for families in Philadelphia school communities. Nationally, students receive an average of 3.4 hours of nutrition education per year. Vetri Community Partnership's Eatiquette 360 program wants to change that in Philadelphia, PA. The Partnership works with local schools in areas where most people are eligible to receive SNAP.