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Color Me Healthy (CMH)
Color Me Healthy (CMH) is a direct education intervention designed to improve fruit and vegetable intake and increase physical activity (PA) among 4 and 5 year old children in child care and preschool settings by increased exposure to nutrition education and opportunities for PA. CMH includ
Faithful Families Thriving Communities
Faithful Families Thriving Communities (Faithful Families) is a direct education and PSE change
Families Eating Smart and Moving More
Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is
SNAP-Ed FY 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Through the Land-Grand University System: A Retrospective Review of Land-Grant University SNAP-Ed Programs and Impacts
2020Report documenting the scope and impacts of SNAP-Ed conducted by LGUs (Land-Grant Universities). This document reports the results of a detailed survey administered to the LGUs engaged in SNAP-Ed.