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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 1 - 10 of 13 Results
  • Connecticut Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI)

    2010 Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition (CBC)

    The Connecticut Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI) is a PSE Change intervention designed to promote practices in maternity facilities that support the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding.

  • Farmers Market Nutrition Education

    Jul 05, 2018

    Through the Husky Nutrition Programs’ Farmers' Market Education initiative, Registered Dietitians and UConn students promote the value of fresh produce. This is done by providing farmers market information and free nutrition education to Connecticut residents.

  • Grocery Store Tour: Vegetables

    2015 University of Connecticut, The Center for Public Health and Health Policy: Husky Programs.

    A streaming video that features a Registered Dietitian discussing many aspects of vegetables at a grocery store.

  • Leveraging Technology to Deliver Tailored SNAP-Ed Messages

    Oct 31, 2018 UCONN School and Family SNAP-Ed collaborated with the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford for this project. This project supports healthy behaviors in high-need children receiving healthcare in the urban Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). When they visit, PED, children and families enjoy a fun online survey about dietary behaviors. Based on their responses, the family receives unique diet and physical activity messages.
  • Ready, Set, Read! UConn Husky Sport

    Jul 21, 2018 Ready, Set, Read! is a Husky Sport literacy skill-building program. It is a school-time program and students and their teachers participate. Lessons focus on physical skills, life skills, and nutrition-related skills.
  • Telephonic Health Coaching Initiative

    Jun 18, 2018 The University of Saint Joseph’s (USJ) SNAP-Ed Telephone Health Coaching (THC) Intervention, supports Connecticut residents in making healthier choices and significant changes to their lifestyles. Health coaches at USJ provide the guidance needed to educate and motivate SNAP-Ed clients to meet their health and wellness goals.