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SNAP-Ed Library


Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Library, the place for locating SNAP-Ed tools, success stories, and resources! Enter a search term below or use the filters to the left to find what you’re looking for.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 33 Results
  • Bingocize®

    2024 Western Kentucky University Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging

    Bingocize® is an evidence-based health promotion program that strategically combines the game of bingo, health education, and/or exercise.

  • Buy Eat Live Better

    May 05, 2017 Buy Eat Live Better: Teaches SNAP-Ed eligible youth and adults in the locations that they eat, live, learn, work, play, and shop. Collaborates with community and statewide partners to leverage resources and increase program reach to eligible audiences. Empowers organizations and individuals to create changes in policies, systems, and environments that make the healthy choice the easy choice for all Montanans.
  • Cent$ible Nutrition Program

    Oct 21, 2013 Many people in the general population claim that “eating healthy is too expensive.” While fresh fruits and vegetables may seem expensive, if done right, they can fit into any budget along with other nutritious foods such as whole grains and low-fat or no-fat milk.
  • Chickasaw Nation SNAP-Ed Coordinated Programming and Evaluation

    Aug 04, 2017 The Eagle Adventure program was developed through a collaboration between the Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services SNAP-Ed Program and the Oklahoma State University in Indian Country for youth and their families after extensive formative research indicated type 2 diabetes as a major concern among parents and elders. The team used the socioecological model (SEM) as the framework for development of the program and evaluation processes.
  • Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

    Self-Management Resource Center

    The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is a direct education intervention that helps individuals and caregivers of those with chronic health conditions build a "toolbox" of strategies they can utilize to help achieve their health goals.

  • Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters is helping end childhood hunger by inspiring families to make healthy, affordable food choices. Cooking Matters teaches participants to shop smarter, use nutrition information to make healthier choices and cook delicious, affordable meals.

  • Cooking Matters at the Store

    2013 Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters at the Store is a free program that works with families to stretch their food budgets so their children get healthy meals at home. Cooking Matters at the Store is a conversation about skills that helps adults learners get the most nutrition for their food dollars.

  • Eagle Adventure

    2019 OKTEP: Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners and the Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services Get Fresh! Program

    The Eagle Adventure (EA) was designed to address the need for culturally relevant SNAP-Ed programming to prevent type 2 diabetes in Indian Country. EA was developed using the CDC Eagle Book series as the central theme.