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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 31 - 40 of 67 Results
  • Healthy Behaviors Initiative

    2015 Center for Collaborative Solutions

    The Healthy Behaviors Initiative (HBI) is an after school (AS) program designed to enable and recognize on-site staff to offer practical, user-friendly and effective nutrition, physical activity (PA), and food security intervention activities.

  • Healthy Chinese Cuisine

    2019 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch

    This cookbook provides nutritious and delicious recipes (using fruits and vegetables).


    From the forward:

  • Heart Smarts

    2018 The Food Trust

    Heart Smarts is a direct education, PSE change, and social marketing intervention that combines healthy food access, nutrition education, and health and social services for individuals to improve their health and reduce their risk of diet-related disease.

  • Improving the Health of Aging Nevadans

    Jan 29, 2021 Older adults in the state of Nevada are resilient. Despite current social distancing orders, older adults want to continue to improve their health and quality of life. The SNAP-Ed Healthy Aging strategy has continued delivering nutrition and physical education to older adults with the support of contractors, collaborators, and counties in Nevada. 
  • Inspiring Healthy Communities

    2016 Public Health Institute Center for Wellness and Nutrition & Converge Consulting Research and Training.

    Inspiring Healthy Communities, the newest report in the series highlights the collective impact and comprehensive approach of the Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR) projects in Los Angeles County.

  • Learning the Alphabet through Edible ABC’s 

    Mar 04, 2021 Preschools and other early learning centers are critical settings for obesity prevention efforts. The preschool years are an important time when young children are learning to develop healthy habits. In FY19, Maryland SNAP-Ed partnered with over 213 early education sites and reached 9,561 preschool-aged kids through face-to-face education and multi-level interventions.