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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 1 - 10 of 45 Results
  • Application of a sensory evaluation methodology for recipes utilized in federal nutrition education programs

    Ng, M.K.; Moore, C.J.; Adhikari, K.; Andress, E.L.; Henes, S.T.; Lee, J.S.; Cox, G.O.

    Federal nutrition education programs utilize recipe demonstrations to engage with low-income participants and promote healthy eating behaviors; however, recipes created for these programs are developed in state extension offices or in collaboration with local cooks/chefs, and the fit of the recip

  • Bingocize®

    2024 Western Kentucky University Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging

    Bingocize® is an evidence-based health promotion program that strategically combines the game of bingo, health education, and/or exercise.

  • Choose MyPlate Tip Sheets: Hmong, Chinese, & Vietnamese

    2014 USDA/.Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch.

    The USDA Ten Tips Sheets cover basic nutrition information about consuming whole grains, eating healthy meals, role modeling, limiting sweets and sodium, choosing beverages, and being active.

  • Cooking Matters for WIC Clinics (CM for WIC)

    2019 Open Hand Cooking Matters and Georgia WIC District 4

    Cooking Matters for WIC Clinics (CM for WIC) is a direct education intervention designed to enhance the WIC client experience and to improve maternal and child diets and health through improved knowledge and self-efficacy for healthy eating on a budget, increased WIC voucher redemption (par

  • Eat Together PA

    2012 Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Network.

    The Eat Together PA campaign is helping Pennsylvanians to come back to the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks too! The campaign utilizes various media: billboards, bus shelters, leaflets cards, posters, and web sites for adults, kids, and teens.

  • Eating Well at Home with Elena

    Feb 23, 2022 Elena is one person who joined a direct opportunity through SNAP-Ed. Elena is a mom of 4 boys and she had some health concerns in her family, so she jumped at the opportunity to learn about healthy eating on a budget. She was concerned about the amounts of fat, sugar and salt her family was consuming. She wanted to learn healthier alternatives for how to cook for her family rather than how she grew up. 
  • EFNEP Favorite Recipes

    2019 EFNEP. NIFA. USDA.

    "We hope you enjoy the popular recipes found in this cookbook. This is a small sampling of favorite foods shared during Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) classes over the past 50 years.

  • Families Eating Smart and Moving More

    2016 NC Division of Public Health: Nutrition Services Branch and Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch; NC State Extension, NC State University

    Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is