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Introduction The Mississippi Delta is predominantly rural and ranks among the US regions with the highest obesity rates. Throughout the US, rural and low-income communities have limited access to healthy foods.
Greene, M.; Houghtaling, B.; Sadeghzadeh, C.; De Marco, M.; Bryant, D.; Morgan, R.; Holston, D.
Nutrition education and policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change interventions may be able to address food insecurity and obesity, conditions which are disproportionately experienced by African Americans.
Rider, C.D.; Linares, A.; Kao, J.; Becker, C.; Woodward-Lopez, G.
Site-level assessment questionnaires (SLAQs) were developed to assess nutrition and physical activity practices and environments in schools and other places children spend time in order to facilitate program planning and evaluation.
May 05, 2017
Brighter Bites is a non-profit that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables directly into families’ hands, while teaching them how to use and choose a different kind of fast food. We make it fun. We make it free.
An R; Loehmer E; Khan N; Scott MK; Rindfleisch K; McCaffrey J
Promoting healthy eating and lifestyles among populations with limited resources is a complex undertaking that often requires strong partnerships between various agencies.
There is a need to disseminate evidence-based childhood obesity prevention interventions on a broader scale to reduce obesity-related disparities among underserved children.
To better characterize and understand local investments made by prevention initiatives to address poor nutrition and obesity during 2010–2015, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health partnered with an evaluation firm in 2014 to conduct a context scan of nutrition education programs (NE
Apr 27, 2018
Since 2012, the Culture of Wellness in Preschools (COWP) has worked to prevent early childhood obesity in Colorado. The program has reached over 22,000 children and their families in 140 low-income preschools across 12 counties in Colorado.
Cotwright CJ; Bradley H; Celestin N; Lee JS; Hall JN; Stotz S; Birch L
OBJECTIVE: To determine the eLearning preferences of early care and education (ECE) teachers for an effective beverage policy training. METHODS: Mixed methods study conducted with ECE directors and teachers in 6 regions throughout Georgia.