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Read the Label Youth Outreach Materials
2020Welcome to Read the Label, the “next generation” portfolio of materials based on FDA’s award-winning Spot the Block outreach campaign! Originally launched in 2007, Spot the Block was a comprehensive program from the FDA that evolved into a nationwide grassroots initiative.
RYD: How Much Sugar is in Your Drink?
2017This RYD (Rethink Your Drink) poster is a great resource for teachers and community staff on reading nutrition labels on beverages. Available in English, Spanish, and Hmong!
Shape of Yoga
2015Shape of Yoga is a booklet of ten basic yoga poses that encourages families to exercise together with yoga, building strength and flexibility. Available in English and Spanish!
SNAP-Ed Soccer for Success
Soccer for Success (SfS) is a direct education intervention designed to improve fitness levels of participants, improve nutritional knowledge and behavior of participants (and their families), and improve youth development outcomes of participants.
Social Media Toolkit on the New Nutrition Facts Label
2020Please help spread the word about FDA’s New Nutrition Facts Label Campaign to your followers and subscribers using the newsletter text, social media posts, images, videos, and education resources. Available in English and Spanish.
Spanish/English Pictorial Recipes
2000Recipes that use illustrations to communicate food preparation techniques. Ten print-ready, illustrated, culturally appropriate recipes in Spanish and English. Designed for limited-literacy, limited-income audiences.
Stay Strong, Stay Healthy
Stay Strong, Stay Healthy (SSSH) is a direct education intervention designed to help older adults increase physical activity, decrease sedentary behaviors, increase fruit and vegetable consumption, and sustain physical activity participation and healthy eating behaviors post program.
Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy
Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy is a PSE and social marketing intervention designed to increase consumer demand for healthy foods in communities and to increase amount of healthy foods sold by urban corner stores and rural small food retailers.
StrongPeople™ Strong Hearts
StrongPeople™ Strong Hearts (SPSH) is a cardiovascular disease risk reduction program for midlife and older adults designed to improve diet and physical activity behaviors, assess local food and physical environment resources, and shift social norms about active living and