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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 61 - 70 of 73 Results
  • SNAP-Ed Supports the Double Up Food Bucks Debut in Cowley County

    Apr 22, 2022 Families visiting the Ark City Farm and Art Market and Walnut Valley Farmers Market can now bring home more healthy food! The Cowley Farmers Market Association (CFMA) launched the Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) program in 2021 thanks to the leadership of the Family Consumer Science and SNAP-Ed Agent, Becky Reid and Nutrition Educator, Ruth Bumgarter! SNAP recipient users can double their benefits up to $25 per market visit in extra tokens to be used only for locally grown fruits and vegetables.

    2019 San Diego State Research Foundation

    SPARK has numerous evidence-based programs designed to improve health that target areas such as physical education, after school, early childhood and coordinated school health. SPARK aims to develop healthy lifestyles, movement knowledge, motor skills, and social and personal skills.

  • St. Anselm’s Food Pantry Partnership Fills the Need for Healthy Food Access and Nutrition Security

    Apr 21, 2022 St. Anselm’s Food Pantry is now able to serve more people with extended hours and more nutritious foods. Through coordination with partners, they installed refrigeration equipment, maintained a safe setting during the COVID 19 pandemic, and provided resources and signage so clients feel comfortable visiting the Pantry. Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA), CalFresh Healthy Living staff provided recipes and nutrition education. The Pantry clients are now able to prepare healthy meals with the food they receive. Clients can also obtain additional food for their families thanks to referrals to food assistance programs.
  • Stanford Youth Diabetes Coaching Program

    Stanford University School of Medicine

    The Stanford Youth Diabetes Coaches Program (SYDCP) facilitates partnerships between medical training programs and high schools serving youth from socioeconomically disadvantaged and underrepresented minority communities.

  • Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy

    2015 University of Missouri Extension

    Stock Healthy, Shop Healthy is a PSE and social marketing intervention designed to increase consumer demand for healthy foods in communities and to increase amount of healthy foods sold by urban corner stores and rural small food retailers.

  • The Great Potato Harvest

    Feb 23, 2022 Baked, boil, mashed, grilled, roasted…oh, there are so many ways to enjoy potatoes! In the fall of 2021, freshly dug potatoes at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center (SAREC) were harvested and sent to food pantries across the state.
  • Veggie Van Toolkit

    2020 Department of Community Health and Health Behavior, School of Public Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo

    The Veggie Van (VV) Toolkit is a policy, systems, and environmental change intervention designed to: