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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 31 - 40 of 73 Results
  • Heart Smarts

    2018 The Food Trust

    Heart Smarts is a direct education, PSE change, and social marketing intervention that combines healthy food access, nutrition education, and health and social services for individuals to improve their health and reduce their risk of diet-related disease.

  • I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL)

    2019 Head Start

    I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) is a direct education and PSE Change intervention designed to increase daily moderate-to vigorous physical activity, improve the quality of movement activities, and promote healthy food choices among preschool children.

  • Increasing Food Access During a Pandemic

    Feb 15, 2022 Early in the pandemic, members of the Central Florida Alliance to End Hunger Food Access Working Group realized a growing need for access to healthy food in their community. The group planned for a new produce distribution site in a high-need area of East Winter Garden, Florida.
  • Indoor Playground Gets Kids Moving

    May 27, 2020 Imagine a school day where children cannot go outside to the playground because of the weather. Now, imagine a school with an indoor playground! In 2019, LSU AgCenter SNAP-Ed and the Ouachita Parish Healthy Communities Coalition created an indoor playground at Shady Grove Elementary School.
  • Learning Collaboratives

    2016 Nemours Children's Health

    Learning Collaboratives are a PSE change intervention that uses a learning collaborative model to promote healthy environments, policies, and practices in early care and education (ECE) settings.

  • Let's Ride! Let’s Eat Healthy! Let’s Have Fun!

    Jul 27, 2020 Kids in Jefferson Parish Louisiana are riding their bikes and eating more veggies! Not only did this group of 4th and 5th grade students at Washington STEM Elementary School (WES) learn how to safely ride a bicycle, change and repair a tire tube and read a map, they had fun doing it! The students were proud of their accomplishments, with their teachers and coaches encouraging them, and they learned the importance of physical activity.
  • LSU AgCenter Supports PSE Changes in Louisiana

    Jul 06, 2023 The small town of Crowville, Louisiana has one corner store, one restaurant, and one dollar store – but no grocery store. Thanks to a partnership between Louisiana State University (LSU) AgCenter SNAP-Ed and a group of passionate community leaders, the local dollar store now features fresh produce, healthy snacks, and healthy shopping resources from the LSU AgCenter’s Geaux Shop Healthy program.