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Displaying 41 - 50 of 74 Results
  • Hip Hop to Health Jr.

    2014 University of Illinois at Chicago

    Hip Hop to Health Jr. is a direct education intervention designed to encourage healthy eating and exercise for children ages 3-5 years.

    Intervention Target Behavior: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Reducing Screen Time 

  • I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL)

    2019 Head Start

    I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) is a direct education and PSE Change intervention designed to increase daily moderate-to vigorous physical activity, improve the quality of movement activities, and promote healthy food choices among preschool children.

  • iCook 4-H: Cooking, Eating, and Playing Together

    2018 White, A., Franzen-Castle, L., Kattelmann, K., Olfert, M., Colby, S., University of Maine, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, South Dakota State University, West Virginia University, and University of Tennessee

    The iCook 4-H Program is a direct education intervention designed to reach the following objectives: increase cooking skills and culinary self-efficacy, improve openness to new foods, increase frequency and/or quality of meal time with family members, and decrease sedentary time.

  • Illinois Junior Chefs

    2017 University of Illinois Extension

    Illinois Junior Chefs (IJC) is a direct education curriculum designed to improve dietary attitudes and behaviors in youth ages 8-13 through learning hands-on cooking skills and MyPlate food group education. IJC is a 10-hour cooking education program designed for five two-hour classes.

  • Integrated Nutrition Education Program

    1996 University of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus, School of Medicine and School of Public Health, Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center

    The Integrated Nutrition Education Program (INEP) is a multi-level comprehensive direct education and policy, system, and environment (PSE) change intervention designed to increase fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity levels in children and their parents and to reduce the risk of obes

  • Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do It!

    2018 Healthy Weight Partnership Inc.

    Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do it! (MEND) program is a direct education intervention designed to manage overweight, obesity in children 2-13 years old and their families by improving health, fitness, and self-esteem.

  • One Healthy Breakfast Program

    2018 The Food Trust

    The One Healthy Breakfast Program (OHBP) is a direct education, social marketing, and PSE change intervention designed to improve home, community, and school food environments to ensure that every student starts their day with a healthy breakfast.

  • Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP)

    2010 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    The Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Initiative is a PSE change intervention designed to increase healthy nutrition and physical activity and reduce screen time for children, including the frequency with which water is served during snack at afterschool programs.