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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 21 - 30 of 74 Results
  • Drexel University High School Nutrition Curriculum

    2019 Drexel University PA SNAP-Ed/EAT RIGHT PHILLY Program

    The Drexel University High School Nutrition Curriculum is a direct education curriculum designed to teach high school students the principles of the MyPlate Food Guidance system, while encouraging them to make healthy behavior changes to their own eating styles.

  • Eagle Adventure

    2019 OKTEP: Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners and the Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services Get Fresh! Program

    The Eagle Adventure (EA) was designed to address the need for culturally relevant SNAP-Ed programming to prevent type 2 diabetes in Indian Country. EA was developed using the CDC Eagle Book series as the central theme.

  • Eat Well & Keep Moving

    2016 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    Eat Well & Keep Moving is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and supportive environment they need in order to lead healthier lives by choosing nutritious diets and being physically active.

  • Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings (EWPHCCS)

    2011 New York State Department of Health Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

    Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings (EWPHCCS) is a direct education and PSE change intervention that focuses on improving the nutrition and physical activity behaviors of pre-school age children and their parents/caregivers by using educational strategies and skill building activities to pr

  • Farm to Early Care and Education

    2018 National Farm to School Network; USDA Community Food Systems Division (CFSD), Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program

    Farm to Early Care and Education (farm to ECE) is a PSE change intervention designed to increase access to healthy, local foods in ECE settings through local food purchasing and gardening; increase the quality of the ECE setting through food, nutrition, and agriculture related experiential educat

  • Farm to School

    USDA Community Food Systems Division (CFSD), Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program

    Farm to school is a Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) change and direct education intervention designed to improve access to local foods in pre-k to 12th grade school settings and provides education opportunities that encourage healthy eating behaviors.

  • Food eTalk

    2016 University of Georgia

    Food eTalk is direct education intervention designed to increase participant's daily intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products; decrease daily intake of sodium; improve food resource management, food safety practices, and physical activity.

  • Food Hero

    2016 Oregon State University Extension

    Food Hero is a multi-channel social marketing campaign designed to change family and community behaviors. Food Hero includes an extensive evaluation process.