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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 11 - 20 of 206 Results
  • Building School District Capacity in Physical Activity Virtually Reaches 18,000 Students!

    Mar 16, 2021 Six hundred teachers at Alvord Unified in Riverside County discovered ways to make physical activity breaks fun in the virtual classroom. They used lessons from the CalFresh Healthy Living, University of California Cooperative Extension (CFHL, UCCE) team. The team provided a virtual professional development training for teachers, which helped them effectively reach 18,000 students.
  • Buy Eat Live Better

    May 05, 2017 Buy Eat Live Better: Teaches SNAP-Ed eligible youth and adults in the locations that they eat, live, learn, work, play, and shop. Collaborates with community and statewide partners to leverage resources and increase program reach to eligible audiences. Empowers organizations and individuals to create changes in policies, systems, and environments that make the healthy choice the easy choice for all Montanans.
  • Cafeteria Promotions Enhance Farm to School Efforts

    Jan 18, 2018 School food service directors in the California Bay Area have been working with wholesalers and farmers to include more local or regional produce in school meals. These directors often face tight budgets and purchasing challenges. Students, particularly low-income students, are often unfamiliar with locally grown foods. Promotional efforts are needed to introduce the new items to students and reduce food waste.
  • Celebrate Your Plate: Ohio SNAP-Ed’s Social Marketing Thrives Throughout COVID-19

    Apr 22, 2022 The Ohio SNAP-Ed Social Marketing Campaign, Celebrate Your Plate (CYP), provides budget-friendly recipes, shopping and cooking tips, and around town resources through our website,  CYP recipes and resources are used in direct education and media efforts throughout Ohio.  SNAP-eligible families can turn to CYP as a trusted, friendly source of knowledge and information as they try to increase their fruit and vegetable consumption.
  • Cent$ible Nutrition Program

    Oct 21, 2013 Many people in the general population claim that “eating healthy is too expensive.” While fresh fruits and vegetables may seem expensive, if done right, they can fit into any budget along with other nutritious foods such as whole grains and low-fat or no-fat milk.
  • Chickasaw Nation SNAP-Ed Coordinated Programming and Evaluation

    Aug 04, 2017 The Eagle Adventure program was developed through a collaboration between the Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services SNAP-Ed Program and the Oklahoma State University in Indian Country for youth and their families after extensive formative research indicated type 2 diabetes as a major concern among parents and elders. The team used the socioecological model (SEM) as the framework for development of the program and evaluation processes.
  • Children’s Farmers Market Brings Fresh Produce to Kids

    Aug 14, 2017 There are many families in San Luis Obispo County who lack adequate access to fresh fruits and vegetables. The Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County (SLO Food Bank) set out to help. SLO Food Bank started the “Children’s Farmers Market Program”. This program gives locally grown donated produce to children from low-income families.