FoodCorps Healthy School Toolkit
The FoodCorps Healthy School Toolkit is a PSE change intervention designed to improve school
The FoodCorps Healthy School Toolkit is a PSE change intervention designed to improve school
FOODPLAY is a comprehensive nutrition education school assembly program that uses live theater, juggling, music, magic, and audience participation to turn kids on to healthy eating and active living.
Go Wild with Fruits & Veggies (Go Wild) is a nutrition education program designed to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables and increase physical activity through direct education and PSE level intervention.
Grazing with Marty Moose (GWMM) is a youth direct education and PSE intervention designed to help 3rd grade students make healthier food and physical activity choices while encouraging schools and parents to create environments that support students in making these choices.
HEALth MAPPS™ is a SNAP-Ed facilitated, community-engaged
Heart Smarts is a direct education, PSE change, and social marketing intervention that combines healthy food access, nutrition education, and health and social services for individuals to improve their health and reduce their risk of diet-related disease.
Hip Hop to Health Jr. is a direct education intervention designed to encourage healthy eating and exercise for children ages 3-5 years.
Intervention Target Behavior: Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Reducing Screen Time
Husky Reads is a direct education intervention designed to promote nutrition and literacy among preschool children.
I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) is a direct education and PSE Change intervention designed to increase daily moderate-to vigorous physical activity, improve the quality of movement activities, and promote healthy food choices among preschool children.
The iCook 4-H Program is a direct education intervention designed to reach the following objectives: increase cooking skills and culinary self-efficacy, improve openness to new foods, increase frequency and/or quality of meal time with family members, and decrease sedentary time.