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SNAP-Ed Library


Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Library, the place for locating SNAP-Ed tools, success stories, and resources! Enter a search term below or use the filters to the left to find what you’re looking for.

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Displaying 11 - 20 of 70 Results
  • Cooking is a SNAP

    2019 University of Minnesota Extension

    Cooking is a SNAP is a direct education intervention designed to (1) increase fruit and vegetable consumption; (2) increase confidence to plan and prepare meals at home and (3) move 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Cooking is a SNAP is a culinary nutrition education curriculum.

  • Eat Smart to Play Hard

    2015 University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center

    Eat Smart to Play Hard (ESPH) is a four-week social marketing campaign in which the community collaborates to engage students, parents, teachers, school staff, and other stakeholders in a common goal to "Eat Smart" in order to "Play Hard." This obesity prevention campaign specifically focuses on

  • Eat Well & Keep Moving

    2016 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    Eat Well & Keep Moving is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and supportive environment they need in order to lead healthier lives by choosing nutritious diets and being physically active.

  • Families Eating Smart and Moving More

    2016 NC Division of Public Health: Nutrition Services Branch and Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch; NC State Extension, NC State University

    Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is 

  • FNV

    2015 Partnership for Healthier America

    The FNV Campaign is a social marketing and PSE change intervention that aims to present fruits and vegetables in a way that is both fun and cool, ultimately shifting attitudes, behavior and social norms relative to healthy eating.

  • Food Label Cards

    2019 University of Missouri Extension.

    More than 60 nonbranded, colored food label cards. Each displays a Nutrition Facts label, a photo of a typical food package and an ingredient list. 

  • Food Talk: Better U

    2017 University of Georgia SNAP-Ed

    The Food Talk: Better U (FTBU) curriculum is a direct nutrition education and obesity prevention curriculum taught by paraprofessionals in a classroom setting and focuses on healthy weight management tailored for SNAP-Ed eligible adult Georgians.