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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 61 - 70 of 70 Results
  • MyPlate for Older Adults

    2011 University of Florida.

    A 2-page handout: the front features the MyPlate icon, containing foods and physical activities that may appeal to older adults. The back has specific tips listed under each MyPlate food group. The recommendations given are for a 1,800-calorie diet, as opposed to a 2,000-calorie diet.

  • Physical Activity Cards

    2023 University of Missouri Extension.

    This set of cards is intended for use with children ages 4 to 15. The cards are divided into groups moderate to vigorous activities, warm-up activities and cool-down activities and labeled accordingly.

  • Choice, Control & Change (C3)

    2010 Teachers College Columbia University.

    This 6th to 8th grade science curriculum book explores diet and activity choices. Topics include:

  • Food Label Cards

    2019 University of Missouri Extension.

    More than 60 nonbranded, colored food label cards. Each displays a Nutrition Facts label, a photo of a typical food package and an ingredient list. 

  • Physical Activity Resource Guide

    2018 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention Branch

    A guide with a step by step process and resources for implementing physical activity programming for SNAP eligible populations.

  • Physical Activity Toolkit for Preschool-Aged Children

    2018 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention Branch

    The 16 Skill Cards are a part of the Physical Activity (PA) Toolkit for Preschool- Aged Children available from the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch of the California Department of Public Health.

  • FOODPLAY: Turning Kids on to Healthy Habits!

    2016 FoodPlay Productions.

    FOODPLAY is a comprehensive nutrition education school assembly program that uses live theater, juggling, music, magic, and audience participation to turn kids on to healthy eating and active living.

  • Shake it Up! With Fruits and Veggies

    2004 Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Nutrition Network.

    This CD is a collection of 17 songs that promote fruits and vegetables. The intent of the CD is to encourage a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables and adequate physical activity each day.