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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 71 - 80 of 180 Results
  • Healthy Chinese Cuisine

    2019 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch

    This cookbook provides nutritious and delicious recipes (using fruits and vegetables).


    From the forward:

  • Healthy Choices Catch On

    2018 Michigan Fitness Foundation

    Since 2006, Michigan Fitness Foundation's SNAP-Ed Social Marketing campaigns have been effectively engaging and influencing nutrition and physical activity behaviors among SNAP-Ed eligible residents in Michigan.

  • Healthy Corner Stores

    2016 US Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service.

    This Healthy Corner Stores Guide is part of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s ongoing efforts to help SNAP recipients make healthy food choices.

  • Healthy Drinks for Toddlers

    University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health

    Healthy Drinks for Toddlers is a social marketing intervention designed for caregivers of young children to discourage provision of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and encourage water consumption.

  • Healthy Steps to Freedom

    2019 University of Nevada Reno Extension

    Healthy Steps to Freedom (HSF) is a direct education health, nutrition, and body image program (part of a broader intervention that includes PSE) designed to augment existing broad-based

  • Healthier Food Retail: An Action Guide for Public Health Practitioners

    2014 DHHS. CDC. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.

    Healthier Food Retail (HFR) Action Guide provides guidance for public health practitioners on how to develop, implement, and partner on initiatives and activities around food retail to improve access, availability, and affordability of healthier foods and beverages.

  • Hydrate My State Water Consumption Campaign

    2021 Georgia Department of Human Services/Georgia Division of Family & Children Services

    The Hydrate My State water consumption campaign was developed and implemented as a call to action to increase water consumption among SNAP-Ed eligible populations in Georgia.