2024Frequently Asked Questions about the National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS). Version 1.1 February 1, 2024.
Frequently Asked Questions about the National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS). Version 1.1 February 1, 2024.
This training provided on November 14, 2023 is the first in a series related to the N-PEARS annual report modules and will cover how to start the annual report, including: report setup, data copied from plan to report, importing report data, general workflow, and related topics. This training will be helpful for anyone that will be entering FY23 annual report data in N-PEARS.
More information is available at: National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS).
The National Nutrition Certification Program (NNCP) is a free online nutrition certification course designed for public nutrition educators. NNCP is offered through Utah State University’s Create Better Health program (Utah SNAP-Ed).
The National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) identifies issues that are particularly relevant to researchers interested in childhood obesity and develops webinars on these topics.
Nebraska SNAP-Ed State Impact Reports. 2014-2015 Impact reports include EFNEP.
Funding history, current partners, and programs of the Nevada SNAP-Ed. Summary of SNAP-Ed in Nevada.
New Hampshire SNAP-Ed State Impact Reports (2014, 2015, 2017).
Resources on the importance of good nutrition. Materials available for the New Nutrition Facts Label.
This is a 2nd edition toolkit of healthy eating policy, systems, and environmental change strategies encouraged by the national SNAP-Ed program for obesity prevention and addressing food insecurity.