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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 41 - 50 of 66 Results
  • Physical Activity Resource Guide

    2018 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention Branch

    A guide with a step by step process and resources for implementing physical activity programming for SNAP eligible populations.

  • Physical Activity Toolkit for Preschool-Aged Children

    2018 California Department of Public Health, Nutrition Education Obesity Prevention Branch

    The 16 Skill Cards are a part of the Physical Activity (PA) Toolkit for Preschool- Aged Children available from the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch of the California Department of Public Health.

  • PSE Readiness Assessment and Decision Instrument (PSE READI)

    2019 Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University/Ohio SNAP-Ed

    The PSE READI intervention was designed with guidance from SNAP-Ed and public health practitioners in Ohio to promote successful implementation of community nutrition Policy, System, and Environmental (PSE) programs as a broader strategy for obesity prevention.

  • Shake it Up! With Fruits and Veggies

    2004 Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Nutrition Network.

    This CD is a collection of 17 songs that promote fruits and vegetables. The intent of the CD is to encourage a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables and adequate physical activity each day.

  • SNAP-Ed Soccer for Success

    2018 U.S. Soccer Foundation

    Soccer for Success (SfS) is a direct education intervention designed to improve fitness levels of participants, improve nutritional knowledge and behavior of participants (and their families), and improve youth development outcomes of participants.


    2019 San Diego State Research Foundation

    SPARK has numerous evidence-based programs designed to improve health that target areas such as physical education, after school, early childhood and coordinated school health. SPARK aims to develop healthy lifestyles, movement knowledge, motor skills, and social and personal skills.

  • Start Strong: Cooking, Feeding, and More

    2019 University of Minnesota Extension

    The Start Strong: Cooking, Feeding, and More is a direct education intervention for child care providers that promotes policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change in child care settings.  The intervention is designed to help child care providers increase their knowledge and skills of pro