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Butel, J.; Braun, K.L.; Nigg, C.R.; Leon Guerrero, R.; Fleming, T.; Bersamin, A.; Coleman, P.; Novotny, R.
Increased community collective efficacy (CE), defined as social cohesion among neighbors and their willingness to intervene for common good, is associated with improved community health outcomes.
LeGros, T.A.; Jacobs, L.E.; Goodman, G.L.; Orzech, K.M.; Holmes, E.
Objective: To assess changes in written local wellness policies (LWPs) across time within Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)–participating districts. Design: Sequential, explanatory mixed methods.
Adedokun, O.A.; Bastin, S.; Plonski, P.; Najor, J.; Cotterill, D.
Super Star Chef is an experiential summer youth nutrition education and cooking program designed to enhance participants' nutrition knowledge, food preparation skills, cooking self-efficacy, and intention to eat more fruits and vegetables.
BACKGROUND: A nutritious diet can prevent obesity and chronic disease and improve academic performance, yet many children have energy-dense, nutrient-poor diets.
The United States Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education, known as SNAP-Ed, is the country's largest and most diverse community nutrition program.
To better characterize and understand local investments made by prevention initiatives to address poor nutrition and obesity during 2010–2015, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health partnered with an evaluation firm in 2014 to conduct a context scan of nutrition education programs (NE
Objective: To ascertain inactive teens’ insights regarding the types of physical activities (PAs) they would be willing to do, and to inform a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program–Education PA social marketing campaign targeting this audience.
BACKGROUND: Farm-to-school interventions are recommended strategies to improve dietary behaviors among school-aged children. Tools are needed to assess community readiness and capacity to optimize farm-to-school implementation.