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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 21 - 30 of 92 Results
  • CookShop

    2003 Food Bank For New York City

    CookShop is a core nutrition education program of Food Bank For New York City, providing low-income children and adults with the knowledge and tools to adopt and enjoy a healthy diet and active lifestyle on a limited budget.

  • Evaluation of the Farmers' Markets for Kids program

    Dannefer, R.; Bryan, E.; Osborne, A.; Sacks, R.

    Objective To assess the impact of Farmers' Markets for Kids, a farmers' market-based, child-oriented nutrition education program, on attitudes and behaviors related to preparing and consuming produce among child participants and their caregivers in New York City (NYC).

  • Families Eating Smart and Moving More

    2016 NC Division of Public Health: Nutrition Services Branch and Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch; NC State Extension, NC State University

    Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is 

  • Farm to School

    USDA Community Food Systems Division (CFSD), Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program

    Farm to school is a Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) change and direct education intervention designed to improve access to local foods in pre-k to 12th grade school settings and provides education opportunities that encourage healthy eating behaviors.

  • Farmers' Market Fresh

    Mar 29, 2018 Farmers’ Market Fresh (FMF) is a social marketing campaign for limited-resource consumers at farmers’ markets. The primary goal of this program is to promote fruit and vegetable consumption through farmers’ markets that accept SNAP EBT.
  • Farmers' Market Materials

    2013 Utah Food $ense.

    Farmers' Market materials used for PSE interventions involving Farmers' Markets. These are intended to help people plan their purchases, meals, and to optimize fresh fruit and vegetable consumption.