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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 1 - 10 of 14 Results
  • Chickasaw Nation SNAP-Ed Coordinated Programming and Evaluation

    Aug 04, 2017 The Eagle Adventure program was developed through a collaboration between the Chickasaw Nation Nutrition Services SNAP-Ed Program and the Oklahoma State University in Indian Country for youth and their families after extensive formative research indicated type 2 diabetes as a major concern among parents and elders. The team used the socioecological model (SEM) as the framework for development of the program and evaluation processes.
  • Distinguished After School Health Recognition Program

    Jun 13, 2016 California’s local and federal funding provides enrichment services in 4,500 SNAP-Ed eligible afterschool programs. To assess the potential of SNAP-Ed to introduce such efforts system-wide (ST5), the California Department of Public Health’s Network for a Healthy California worked with the Center for Collaborative Solutions (CCS), a nonprofit specializing in public education.
  • Measuring Food Security in Remote Villages

    Jun 13, 2016 The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Division of Subsistence (DOS) conducts annual field research to measure changes in the amounts of subsistence foods used in rural Alaska. The Alaska Family Nutrition Program’s SNAP-Ed team is partnering with DOS and the Center for Alaska Native Health Research (CANHR) to measure food security in rural Alaskan communities (indicator R6 in the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework).
  • Producing PEARS, A Data Tracking System

    Jun 13, 2016 The state uses the Program Evaluation and Reporting System (PEARS) to gather evaluation data. Using PEARS, Kansas SNAP-Ed professionals can select or build evaluation instruments specific to the needs of each program they deliver, enter program information and response data, and access various reporting features.