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Culture of Wellness in Preschools: Nutrition Education and Physical Activity (COWP NE/PA)
Culture of Wellness in Preschools: Nutrition Education and Physical Activity (COWP NE/PA) is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to increase fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity levels in children and their parents, as well as to reduce th
Culture of Wellness in Preschools: Policy, System and Environment Change Process (COWP)
The Culture of Wellness in Preschools, Policy, System and Environment Change Process (COWP PSE Change Process) is a PSE change intervention designed to implement an average of five changes that promote healthy eating and physical activity in early childcare centers.
Eagle Adventure
The Eagle Adventure (EA) was designed to address the need for culturally relevant SNAP-Ed programming to prevent type 2 diabetes in Indian Country. EA was developed using the CDC Eagle Book series as the central theme.
Eat Well & Keep Moving
Eat Well & Keep Moving is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and supportive environment they need in order to lead healthier lives by choosing nutritious diets and being physically active.
Empower Program
The Empower Program is a PSE Change intervention developed by the Arizona Department of Health Services to support the efforts of licensed early care and education (ECE) facilities and certified family child care (FCC) homes to empower young children to grow up healthy.
Faithful Families Thriving Communities
Faithful Families Thriving Communities (Faithful Families) is a direct education and PSE change
NAPSACC/Go NAPSACC is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to enhance nutrition and physical activity practices in early care and education programs by improving the: