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Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Library, the place for locating SNAP-Ed tools, success stories, and resources! Enter a search term below or use the filters to the left to find what you’re looking for.
Sep 08, 2017
In the 2016-17 school year nearly 9 percent of the students in Coos Bay School District (CBSD) reported being homeless, including about 130 high school students. For these students, cooking healthy meals isn’t always a top priority.
Jul 03, 2018
SNAP4CT is an online platform that is run by UConn Health's Husky Nutrition Program and provides helpful content to SNAP-eligible participants.
Nov 21, 2018
INEP has traditionally reached parents through take-home family letters with recipes, newsletters and school events. Now a texting intervention makes an even deeper connection to parents around health and wellness.
Jun 09, 2016
The Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF) has conducted the "They learn from watching you..." social marketing campaign since 2006 to expand and enhance on-the-ground SNAP-Ed.
Nov 22, 2023
Utah State University Create Better Health (Utah SNAP-Ed) developed the Captain Create mascot and YouTube channel as a tool for teaching children about healthy food choices and the importance of physical activity.