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May 08, 2016
The goal of the Healthy Food Pantry Initiative is to work with food pantries and the community, to encourage the availability of healthier options and to make the healthier choices the easier choices in food pantries.
Feb 02, 2018
When kids help make healthy foods, they are excited to try them! Cooking with Kids teaches public school children about the joys of healthy cooking and eating and where their food comes from.
Jan 10, 2017
The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement conducts research in thousands of schools across the country in order to identify the best ways to nudge students to select and consume the healthiest food in the lunchroom.
Jun 09, 2016
The Michigan Fitness Foundation (MFF) has conducted the "They learn from watching you..." social marketing campaign since 2006 to expand and enhance on-the-ground SNAP-Ed.
Apr 27, 2018
Since 2012, the Culture of Wellness in Preschools (COWP) has worked to prevent early childhood obesity in Colorado. The program has reached over 22,000 children and their families in 140 low-income preschools across 12 counties in Colorado.
Apr 30, 2018
Public libraries are vibrant community institutions throughout the country. In recent years, libraries have gone from being a place for borrowing books and doing research to being spaces to use the internet, get help finding a job, and take advantage of many community resources. Now in South Carolina, libraries are also places to buy affordable, healthy foods!