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Linares, A.; Plank, K.; Hewawitharana, S.C.; Woodward-Lopez, G.
Objective: School-based CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) (California's SNAP-Ed) interventions adapted to new learning environments necessitated by COVID-19. We examined the impact of these interventions on student diet and physical activity (PA) outcomes.
Headrick, G.; Ellison, C.; Bresnahan, C.; Green, C.; Lyons, M.; Moran, A.
Objective: To describe state agencies’ implementation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) during the first year of the coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, barriers and facilitators to SNAP implementation, and recommendations to improve SNAP implementation.
Gillespie, R.; DeWitt, E.; Trude, A.C.B.; Haynes-Maslow, L.; Hudson, T.; Anderson-Steeves, E.; Barr, M.; Gustafson, A.
Online grocery shopping has expanded rapidly in the U.S., yet little is known about the retailer’s perceptions of online grocery services, which can aid in the expansion of services.
Gupta, S.; Mayers, E.; Schwierking, S.; Westrick, M.; Schier, H.; Sharn, A.R.; Pannell, C.; Gunther, C.
The objective of this study was to explore perceptions of online grocery shopping and the online United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefit Transfer card (EBT) program among Head Start caregivers.
Nov 29, 2023
Northern Valley Catholic Social Services (NVCSS) CalFresh Healthy Living (CFHL) program partnered with the Enterprise Elementary School District, Fork Farms, Shasta College Corp, and Providence Greenhouses to establish gardens, hydroponics, and greenhouses at every school in the district.
Nov 22, 2023
Utah State University Create Better Health (Utah SNAP-Ed) developed the Captain Create mascot and YouTube channel as a tool for teaching children about healthy food choices and the importance of physical activity.
Jun 05, 2023
The Grant County SNAP-Ed Program and the Meadowview Housing Authority collaborated to offer a series of virtual classes using the Healthy Choices For Every Body Curriculum.
Nov 02, 2022
Opportunities for youth and adults to be physically active are always in demand. Three SNAP-Ed educators in Alabama made it their missions to provide an outlet for physical activity that was healthy, safe, and fun! With donated bikes, obstacle courses, and plenty of water to keep everybody hydrated, these educators hosted bike rodeos in their communities.
Oct 07, 2022
SNAP-Ed health educators at the Poe Center for Health Education have partnered with congregate meal sites in their region to help keep their participants healthy and moving.