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SNAP-Ed Works: Evidence shows positive impact of SNAP-Ed
2024The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) plays a critical role in helping people eligible for SNAP lead healthier lives on a limited budget. SNAP-Ed teaches people how to make their SNAP dollars stretch, shop for and cook healthy meals, and stay physically active. Initiatives include direct nutrition education in communities across the country and social marketing campaigns. Since the passage of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the program also supports policy, systems, and environmental change strategies that promote healthy eating to advance food and nutrition security, reduce diet-related chronic disease, and promote equity.
N-PEARS Annual Report Training Series: SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting (Module 6)
2023This training provided on December 19, 2023, covers the “Financial Reporting” module in the annual report. This training includes an overview by the FNS Nutrition Education Branch, a walkthrough by Canopy, and content to support input by Westat (formerly Insight Policy Research). More information is available at: National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS). Videos options available with captions and audio descriptions.
N-PEARS Annual Report Training Series: Challenges and Modifications, Coordination and Collaboration, and Executive Summary (Modules 4, 5, & 7)
2023This training provided on December 12, 2023, covers the “Challenges and Modifications,” “Coordination and Collaboration,” and “Executive Summary” modules in the annual report. This training includes an overview by the FNS Nutrition Education Branch, a walkthrough by Canopy, and content to support input by Westat (formerly Insight Policy Research). More information is available at: National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS). Videos options available with captions and audio descriptions.
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
2023Celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AANHPIHM)!
2024Frequently Asked Questions about the National Program Evaluation and Reporting System (N-PEARS). Version 1.1 February 1, 2024.
WIC Nutrient Infographics
2024A healthy eating routine can help boost the health of WIC participants today and in the years to come! These one-page infographics (available in 14 languages) highlight the importance of key nutrients and how participants can get them from WIC foods.