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The Children's Healthy Living (CHL) program, a collaboration among Pacific Land Grant Colleges, was developed and implemented with 27 communities across the US affiliated Pacific region in a 24 month community randomized intervention trial to prevent young child obesity.
Objective: To promote healthy beverage consumption among 9?12 grade students (ages 14?18) by means of a 4-week curriculum promoting increased awareness of drinks containing added sugar and the association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and health risks.
Purpose: To examine racial/ethnic differences in dietary behaviors, diet quality, body mass, and the perceived availability of healthful foods in one's neighborhood among mothers from low-income California households.
Objective: Evaluation of California Department of Public Health's (CDPH) three-year social marketing campaign (Be Better) to encourage healthy eating and water consumption among SNAP-Ed California mothers.
Greene, M.; Houghtaling, B.; Sadeghzadeh, C.; De Marco, M.; Bryant, D.; Morgan, R.; Holston, D.
African Americans experience high rates of obesity and food insecurity in part due to structural racism, or overlapping discriminatory systems and practices in housing, education, employment, health care and other settings.
Gupta, S.; Mayers, E.; Schwierking, S.; Westrick, M.; Schier, H.; Sharn, A.R.; Pannell, C.; Gunther, C.
The objective of this study was to explore perceptions of online grocery shopping and the online United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Electronic Benefit Transfer card (EBT) program among Head Start caregivers.
Low-income and food-insecure households are at risk of poor dietary quality and even more severe food insecurity. Especially in childhood, consuming a nutritionally adequate diet is an essential driver of health, growth, and development.