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SNAP-Ed Library


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Displaying 41 - 50 of 734 Results
  • CATCH Early Childhood

    2011 CATCH Global Foundation, University of Texas School of Public Health

    The Coordinated Approach to Child Health Early Childhood (CEC) is a direct education and PSE change intervention designed to nurture a love of physical activity (PA) while introducing classroom-based gardening, nutrition, and healthy eating in children ages 3-5.

  • Michigan Harvest to Table

    2015 Michigan Fitness Foundation

    Michigan Harvest to Table™ (MiHarvest) (formerly called Michigan Harvest of the Month™ (HOTM)) is a multi-level intervention designed to increase consumption of and access to fruits and vegetables; increase consumption of locally grown produce by connecting growers to schools in their communities

  • BE Physically Active 2Day (BEPA 2.0)

    2019 Oregon State University Extension

    BEPA 2.0 is a direct education intervention with added PSE components designed to integrate physical activity (PA) and nutrition concepts through education and activity in K-5th grade school settings.

  • PE-Nut™

    2013 Michigan Fitness Foundation

    PE-Nut™ is a direct education and PSE change intervention that provides a whole-school approach to motivate students, and families to be physically active and eat healthier.

  • Classroom Energizer Teacher Training Workshop

    2014 University of Minnesota Extension

    The Classroom Energizer Teacher Training Workshop, led by a SNAP-Ed educator, is a PSE intervention designed to prepare classroom teachers to lead short bursts (2-10 minute breaks) of physical activity (PA) in their classroom, thus changing the environment in which children learn.

  • Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP)

    2010 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

    The Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) Initiative is a PSE change intervention designed to increase healthy nutrition and physical activity and reduce screen time for children, including the frequency with which water is served during snack at afterschool programs.

  • Eat Smart in Parks

    2016 University of Missouri Extension-Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition

    Eat Smart in Parks (ESIP) is a PSE change and social marketing intervention designed to promote healthier eating in Missouri's state and local parks.

  • Bienestar Health Program

    2004 The Social & Health Research Center

    The Bienestar Health Program is a direct education, culturally tailored school-based diabetes mellitus prevention program for low-income Mexican-American children.

  • Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite Program

    1995 Texas Department of State Health Services

    The Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite program (TMFW) is a Policy Systems and Environmental (PSE) Change, employer recognition program that designates worksites as "Texas Mother-Friendly" if they voluntarily develop and submit to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) a written policy that su