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SNAP-Ed Library


Welcome to the SNAP-Ed Library, the place for locating SNAP-Ed tools, success stories, and resources! Enter a search term below or use the filters to the left to find what you’re looking for.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 43 Results
  • Connecticut Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI)

    2010 Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Connecticut Breastfeeding Coalition (CBC)

    The Connecticut Breastfeeding Initiative (CBI) is a PSE Change intervention designed to promote practices in maternity facilities that support the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding.

  • Cooking is a SNAP

    2019 University of Minnesota Extension

    Cooking is a SNAP is a direct education intervention designed to (1) increase fruit and vegetable consumption; (2) increase confidence to plan and prepare meals at home and (3) move 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Cooking is a SNAP is a culinary nutrition education curriculum.

  • Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters is helping end childhood hunger by inspiring families to make healthy, affordable food choices. Cooking Matters teaches participants to shop smarter, use nutrition information to make healthier choices and cook delicious, affordable meals.

  • Cooking Matters at the Store

    2013 Cooking Matters

    Cooking Matters at the Store is a free program that works with families to stretch their food budgets so their children get healthy meals at home. Cooking Matters at the Store is a conversation about skills that helps adults learners get the most nutrition for their food dollars.

  • Cooking Matters for WIC Clinics (CM for WIC)

    2019 Open Hand Cooking Matters and Georgia WIC District 4

    Cooking Matters for WIC Clinics (CM for WIC) is a direct education intervention designed to enhance the WIC client experience and to improve maternal and child diets and health through improved knowledge and self-efficacy for healthy eating on a budget, increased WIC voucher redemption (par

  • Eat Smart in Parks

    2016 University of Missouri Extension-Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition

    Eat Smart in Parks (ESIP) is a PSE change and social marketing intervention designed to promote healthier eating in Missouri's state and local parks.

  • Eat Together PA

    2012 Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Network.

    The Eat Together PA campaign is helping Pennsylvanians to come back to the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks too! The campaign utilizes various media: billboards, bus shelters, leaflets cards, posters, and web sites for adults, kids, and teens.

  • Families Eating Smart and Moving More

    2016 NC Division of Public Health: Nutrition Services Branch and Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch; NC State Extension, NC State University

    Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is 

  • Farmers' Market Materials

    2013 Utah Food $ense.

    Farmers' Market materials used for PSE interventions involving Farmers' Markets. These are intended to help people plan their purchases, meals, and to optimize fresh fruit and vegetable consumption.

  • First Analysis of Nationwide Trends in the Use of the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework

    Puma, J.E.; Quinlan, J.; Bruno, P.; Keller, K.; Franck, K.; Lim, S.S.; Draper, C.; Bergling, E.; Foerster, S.

    Objective: To understand Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) Implementing Agencies’(SIAs) use of the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework (Framework), which is a tool that includes 51 indicators that SNAP-Ed programs can use to measure the success of their programs in the first