HEALth MAPPS™ for Mapping Healthy Eating Active Living Assets using Participatory Photographic Surveys
HEALth MAPPS™ is a SNAP-Ed facilitated, community-engaged
HEALth MAPPS™ is a SNAP-Ed facilitated, community-engaged
SHAPES (Supporting Health and Activity in Preschool Environments) is an interactive online physical activity training program for preschool teachers, directors, and administrators. The training consists of six online modules with written, narrated, and video content.
I am Moving, I am Learning (IMIL) is a direct education and PSE Change intervention designed to increase daily moderate-to vigorous physical activity, improve the quality of movement activities, and promote healthy food choices among preschool children.
Families Eating Smart, Moving More (FESMM) is a direct education intervention designed to improve dietary intake, increase daily physical activity, and improve home food safety practices, food resource management, and food security. FESMM is a curriculum package that is
The Classroom Energizer Teacher Training Workshop, led by a SNAP-Ed educator, is a PSE intervention designed to prepare classroom teachers to lead short bursts (2-10 minute breaks) of physical activity (PA) in their classroom, thus changing the environment in which children learn.
Mind, Exercise, Nutrition…Do it! (MEND) program is a direct education intervention designed to manage overweight, obesity in children 2-13 years old and their families by improving health, fitness, and self-esteem.