Colorful tabletop displays and accompanying handouts were developed as an information delivery method to reach SNAP participants. Topics for the displays focus on improving dietary habits and increasing physical activity. The displays and handouts deliver a consistent message throughout the state of Arkansas, and were implemented in local Department of Health and Human Service offices in all 75 counties in Arkansas.
Right Bite is an informative series of thirteen newsletters, each complete with a corresponding handout. Newsletter topics cover all aspects of healthy eating, including label reading, proper serving sizes, physical activity, BMI, healthy snacking, cholesterol and heart disease, and calcium. Each issue features a main topic, and several articles about that topic, as well as recipes. Most issues also contain a word puzzle or game related to the topic, and a food safety corner, with appropriate food safety facts, and money saving tips for use while food shopping. The answers to the puzzle are only printed in some issues, and some nutrition information is repeated in more than one issue.