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Cross-regional impact report for FY 2020 from the Southwest and Mountain Plains regions. "This report provides an overview depicting the impact of each state within their region. This information includes reach, partnerships, coalitions, and program activities. Success stories have also been incorporated to illustrate positive outcomes."

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Originally broadcast August 16, 2021

The Mountain Plains Region (MPR) and the Southwest Region (SWR) released the second edition of the Cross-Regional Impact Report examining regional successes and impacts of SNAP-Ed programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation highlights the work that state and implementing agencies did to provide quality services to low-income and vulnerable Americans. It includes:

  • An overview of the 2020 report structure and organization
  • Highlights of regional outcomes from SNAP-Ed
  • Presentations from Colorado’s Cooking Matters program and Oklahoma’s ONIE Project on their response efforts and programming strategies


Funding Source
USDA, Food and Nutrition Service
Age/Population Group
Resource Type