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Cover of publication: Image of woman shopping at a grocery store.

Healthier Food Retail (HFR) Action Guide provides guidance for public health practitioners on how to develop, implement, and partner on initiatives and activities around food retail to improve access, availability, and affordability of healthier foods and beverages. With this guide, public health practitioners can begin or enhance their work in healthier food retail. The primary audience for the guide is state-level public health practitioners, particularly those working in nutrition and obesity prevention. However, the guide is also intended to be useful to practitioners at regional and community levels, with many action items and examples applicable at these levels. This Action Guide is unique in that it is organized around public health roles, particularly at the state level; these include facilitating partnerships, conducting assessments, providing technical assistance, or coordinating the work of local public health or communities.

Funding Source
HHS. CDC. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.
Age/Population Group
SNAP-Ed Strategies