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Publication Year
Bohen, L.; Heim, S.; Perdue, L.; Dybsetter, A.

In 2017, the University of Minnesota Extension launched an online program called “Systems Approaches to Healthy Communities” that targets public health professionals and health promotion advocates to address how policy, systems, and environment interact with their work. This program was developed through evaluation of existing programs and content to expand reach for Minnesota Extension. Through five modules (Frameworks for Healthy Communities, Taking a Systems Approach, Engaging with Communities, Knowing Your Community, Putting It All Together), participants are informed on their role in public health efforts, barriers to lasting change in communities, and how to coordinate their work with local partners they might not have otherwise. Systems Approaches to Healthy Communities was developed following a number of pilots and revisions, which will benefit others looking to develop novel online programming or translate existing curricula to new modalities. © 2021 Society for Public Health Education.