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The Classroom Energizer Teacher Training Workshop, led by a SNAP-Ed educator, is a PSE intervention designed to prepare classroom teachers to lead short bursts (2-10 minute breaks) of physical activity (PA) in their classroom, thus changing the environment in which children learn. The training was adapted with permission from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The Classroom Energizer PA breaks are integrated with academic concepts to reinforce classroom work through movement in grades K-5 and increase the daily minutes of PA for students during the school day. 

Intervention Target Behavior: Physical Activity and Reducing Screen Time 

SNAP-Ed Strategies: PSE Change

Intervention Reach and Adoption

The Classroom Energizers Teacher Training Workshop enables teachers to lead PA breaks for youth in schools, primarily K-5 but also used in middle school and high schools.

Settings: Schools

Age/Population Group: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Adults

Race: All

Ethnicity: All

Intervention Components

The Classroom Energizer Teacher Training Workshop includes training and technical assistance for teachers to implement classroom PA breaks. The intervention components equip teachers to identify the impact of the obesity epidemic on children; know the physical, mental, and academic benefits of a physically active child; know the difference between PA, play and physical education; understand the importance of physical education classes; identify internal resources that support active classrooms; understand how to include all students in physical activity; improve focus, time on task, memory, concentration and attention span; have fewer absences from school; have better academic achievement; reduce behavior problems at school; and increase awareness and perceived health.

Intervention Materials

The training module and materials were developed by Mary Caskey, Kathleen Lovett, and Betsy Johnson following a pilot project in 3 Minnesota school districts:

Evidence Summary

Two post-workshop surveys (one at close of workshop and one at 90-days post workshop) were administered to participating teachers. After one, two-hour, workshop teachers are using PA and report increased student focus on academic tasks.

A post-workshop survey was conducted with 432 teachers in 11 school districts to evaluate how effective the workshop was for training teachers to implement PA breaks in the classroom. Results include:

  • 67% of teachers use Energizers 2-5 days per week
  • 77% of teachers use energizers for 4-10 minutes per day
  • 65% of teachers indicated they were confident to use PA in their classroom.

To evaluate if teachers perceived that classroom PA breaks increase students' concentration, a 90-day post workshop online survey was sent to 268 workshop participants who indicated willingness to participate. Completed surveys were received from 90 teachers with the following results:

  • 73% of teachers reported that students had improved learning.
  • 97% of teachers reported that PA breaks helped students refocus on academics.

Evidence Base: Practice-tested

Evaluation Indicators

Based on the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework, the following outcome indicators can be used to evaluate intervention progress and success.

  Readiness and Capacity - Short Term (ST) Changes - Medium Term (MT) Effectiveness and Maintenance - Long Term (LT) Population Results (R)
Individual ST3 MT3    
Environmental Settings      
Sectors of Influence      


Evaluation Materials

The Training Feedback Survey is administered at the close of the training session:

Additional Information

Website: The Minnesota Classroom Energizers Teacher Training Workshop website is currently being updated. Please contact Jimmie Johnson for training materials.

Contact Person:

Jimmie Johnson

University of Minnesota Extension




*Updated as of August 20, 2023

Resource Type
Intervention Target Behavior
Evaluation Framework Indicators
Intervention Outcome Levels
SNAP-Ed Strategies
Evidence Base