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R5: Beverages

Framework Component

Population Results - Trends and Reductions in Disparities

Indicator Description

This indicator represents change in water and unhealthy beverage consumption and/or over-consumption of 100 percent fruit juice by youth over time, from year to year, of the low-income population of the state. Unlike MT1 and LT1 (Healthy Eating Behaviors), which measure increases in water intake and decreases in sugar-sweetened beverage intake attributed to SNAP-Ed series-based programs, R5 is intended to measure the proportion of the SNAP-Ed eligible population that is achieving the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations. Thus, R5 measures water and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption status for low-income households surveyed within the state or area of focus. R5 is a population-level surveillance measure.

Background and Context

This indicator of non-dairy beverages measures consumption or changes in consumption of non-caloric water, sugar-sweetened beverages, and limiting of excessive 100 percent juice intake. It is highly significant for obesity prevention. Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks are the number four source of calories in the American population aged 2 and older; they are the number three source in the population aged 2-18 years. Together with sugar-sweetened fruit drinks, they contribute 46 percent of the added sugar in the American diet, contributing significant calories, but few nutrients. Although 100 percent fruit juice is considered a fruit-equivalent in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and some juices contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium, they do not contain the fiber of whole fruits fiber. Excessive consumption of juice may contribute to obesity as it can be easy to not notice how much one is drinking. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children ages 1-6 should drink no more than 4-6 ounces/day of fruit juice, while youth ages 7-18 years old should have a limit of 8-12 ounces/day.1

This is an appropriate indicator to use when SNAP-Ed in the program being evaluated provided a sufficient dose of R5 beverage intervention to expect behavior change that will last over an extended time period. Examples include Rethink Your Drink interventions; provider/parent education in early child care settings that include a strong component about appropriate beverages and portion sizes for preschool-age children; and PSE interventions to increase access to drinking water in schools.

Outcome The desired benefit, improvement, or achievement of a specific program or goal. Measures

What to Measure

  1. Number or percentage of adults who report drinking plain water
  2. Number or percentage of adults persons who report drinking soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages
  3. Number or percentage of adults who report drinking fruit drink or fruit juice drink or switching from these drinks to 100 percent fruit juice
  4. Number or percentage of adults who report drinking less than 8 ounces of 100 percent of fruit juice daily
  1. Number or percentage of children/adolescents who report drinking plain water
  2. Number or percentage of children/adolescents who report drinking soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages
  3. Number or percentage of children/adolescents who report drinking fruit drink or fruit juice drink or switching from these drinks to 100 percent fruit juice
  4. Number or percentage of children/adolescents who report drinking less than 8 ounces of 100 percent of fruit juice daily or the appropriate amount for age group


Youth (3rd grade and above) or Adults

Surveys and Data Collection Tools

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Monitoring of behavior, activities, or other changing information using an ongoing,systematic data collection, analysis, and dissemination tool. System (BRFSS) is one national surveillance survey that can potentially collect sugar-sweetened beverage data from adults; however, that data module is optional for BRFSS, so it is not routinely asked and, when it is asked, the findings are not available on the interactive database. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Monitoring of behavior, activities, or other changing information using an ongoing,systematic data collection, analysis, and dissemination tool. System (YRBSS) collects such data from high school-age youth, but it is administered every 2 years, and at least one state does not participate. As an alternative, evaluation data can be collected by 1) adding a module of questions like those listed below to a statewide survey collecting population data that can identify the low-income segment of its sample, such as your state's BRFSS; 2) conducting a population-level 24-hour recall with your state SNAP-Ed population or another representative low-income population sample; or 3) conducting another type of annual regular data collection that includes these questions from either your total SNAP-Ed population or a representative random sample of it. The same question module should be used year-to-year for consistency.


National Surveillance Surveys

Other Instruments

The following instruments can be used to collect statewide population data.


National Surveillance Surveys

Other Instruments

The following instruments can be used to collect statewide population data.

Additional Resources or Supporting Citations

Sweetened juice products with low levels of juice, are categorized as sugar-sweetened beverages instead of fruit juice because they are mainly water with added sugars. The package label will show the percent of juice, such as "contains 25% juice" or "100% fruit juice," in a beverage that implies it is a fruit or vegetable product. In the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the amounts of fruit juice allowed in the USDA Food Patterns for young children are in line with American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines that young children consume no more than 4-6 fluid ounces of 100 percent fruit juice per day.

1Committee on Nutrition. Use and misuse of fruit juice in Pediatrics. Pediatrics. 2001;107;(5):1210-3.

2References for development of English and Spanish Food Behavior Checklists -

3BSQ - Neuhouser ML, Lilley S, Lund A, et al. Development and validation of a beverage and snack questionnaire for use in evaluation of school nutrition policies. J Am Diet Assoc 2009;109;(9):1587-1592.

4SPAN - Thiagarajah K, Fly AD, Hoelscher DM, et al. Validating the food behavior questions from the elementary school SPAN questionnaire. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2008;40;5:305-310.